16 - Fearless Concurrency
Concurrent programming has a lot of potential pit falls - race conditions, thread safe access to variables - in other languages these problems show up in production as tricky to reproduce problems. Access to memory is handled through Rust's type system and ownership rules, and it turns out these rules can do an excellent job of catching many concurrency problems at compile time too.
Throughout this chapter we'll use the term concurrent, but we really mean concurrent or parallel (concurrent meaning multiple things happening on a single CPU, and parallel meaning multiple things happening on many CPUs). A lot of what we discuss in this chapter applies to both multithreaded code and async code. We'll talk a little bit about async code in chapter 21.
Different languages tend to use different abstractions to deal with thread safety, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Java makes use of synchronized
blocks which take ownership of a monitor (very similar to a mutex), and your most frequent headaches in Java are deadlocks. In Go, concurrency is most frequently handled using message passing over a channel, and while deadlocks are thus rare in Go, goroutine leaks (where a goroutine is started but never terminates) are frighteningly common. Rust doesn't dictate a solution to you: Rust has both channels and mutexes and you can use whichever is a better fit for your particular problem.
Threads for JavaScript Programmers
This book is intended to people who already know another language, and so we're skipping a lot of beginner concepts. However, JavaScript is one of the most popular languages in the world, and it doesn't deal much with threads, so we'll briefly cover some thread concepts here. If you know what "thread" and "mutex" mean, feel free to skip ahead to the next section. If not, this is far from a complete introduction to threads, but it will at least introduce the terminology you need to make it through this chapter.
If you've used JavaScript much, you know that JavaScript has an event loop. In node.js, if you call fs.readFile(filename, {encoding: "utf-8"}, cb)
, then node will ask the OS to open filename
and read it's contents, and once that data is available node will call into your callback. The actual reading of the file may or may not happen in some other thread, but your code all executes in a single thread, inside the event loop. Because of this, a calculation-heavy JavaScript program has a hard time making use of multiple CPUs. We say that JavaScript code can do a lot of things concurrently, but not so much in parallel. (At least, without using web workers.)
You probably already know that spawning a thread is a bit like starting a second program running. You can run two threads in parallel on two different CPUs. The biggest difference between running two separate programs and running two threads is that the threads can read and write the same memory.
When two threads want to read and write to the same memory, we need some way to synchronize access to that memory. If one thread is writing part of a data structure while another is reading it, then the reader might get a partially updated data structure, or one with pointers to data that has been allocated but hasn't been initialized yet. These introduce bugs in our program called race conditions.
One of the most common ways to synchronize access is called a mutex (short for "mutual exclusion"). Whenever a thread wants to read or write to shared memory, it locks the mutex. Only one thread is allowed to own the lock on the mutex at a time, so if a second thread tries to lock the mutex, it will block until the mutex is available.
Sometimes a thread needs to access two different parts of memory, protected by two different mutexes. If a first thread tries to lock mutex a
and then mutex b
, and a second thread tries to lock mutex b
and then mutex a
, it's possible that the first thread will end up with a
and get stuck waiting for b
, while the second thread ends up with b
and waits for a
. This is called a deadlock and both threads will end up waiting forever.
In this chapter we're going to talk about how to spawn threads, how to use mutexes to synchronize access, and we'll talk about channels which are a way for threads to pass messages back and forth to each other (if you are familiar with web workers, this is a little bit like postMessage
16.1 - Using Threads to Run Code Simultaneously
If you're coming from a language like Go or Erlang, it's important to realize that threads in Rust are real, actual, OS level threads. In Go, goroutines are "green threads", where multiple goroutines map to a single OS thread. In Rust, each thread is bare metal OS thread (although, it's worth noting that there are crates that implement other models of threading).
In chapter 21 we'll talk about async programming where many I/O bound tasks (like many incoming requests to a web server) can be handled in parallel with a small number of threads, but in this chapter we're talking about plain old vanilla threads.
Creating a New Thread with spawn
We start a new thread by calling thread::spawn
, passing it a closure which will be run in the new thread:
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
for i in 1..10 {
println!("hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);
for i in 1..5 {
println!("hi number {} from the main thread!", i);
If you run this, then as you'd expect, you'll get a mix of messages from the main thread and the spawned thread intermixed with each other.
If you comment out the call to join
at the end of the main
function and run this, you probably will not see all 9 numbers from the spawned thread being printed. If the main thread quits, all child threads quit immediately. Rust doesn't wait for all threads to finish to quit the program, as some languages such as Java do. The join
function on ThreadHandle
will cause the calling thread to wait until the thread the handle references has terminated.
Using move
Closures with Threads
Here's an example that doesn't compile because of an ownership problem:
use std::thread;
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// This doesn't work!
let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
println!("Here's a vector: {:?}", v);
Can you spot the problem? If you need a hint, notice that v
gets declared in the main
function, and we reference v
inside the closure. As you might recall from chapter 13, Rust is going to infer that, since we're only reading from v
inside the closure, we can borrow a reference to v
The problem here is that immediately after spawning the thread, the main
function drops v
. This means the memory associated with the vector is going to be freed, possibly before the thread has even had a chance to run. The Rust compiler throws an error here, because the thread might not have a valid reference to v
when it needs it. There's no way for the compiler to know.
More formally, from a type safety perspective, the closure passed to thread::spawn
has the trait bounds F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static
. The closure has a static lifetime, which may or may not overlap the lifetime of the vector, so the closure can't borrow from the vector.
One way to fix this is with the move
keyword, which forces the closure to take ownership of v
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Here's a vector: {:?}", v);
Scoped Threads
Another way to solve the example above is with thread::scope
use std::thread;
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut i = 32;
let scope = thread::scope(|s| {
s.spawn(|| {
// Can borrow from the outer scope.
println!("Here's a vector: {:?}", v);
s.spawn(|| {
// Can even mutably borrow, so long as
// no other threads borrow same variable.
i = 7;
passes a Scope
object to the passed in closure, which can be used to spawn new threads. All threads spawned this way are joined before thread::scope
returns, so their lifetime is known. These threads can therefore borrow from the enclosing function. If any individual thread panics, then thread::scope
will panic as well.
16.2 - Using Message Passing to Transfer Data Between Threads
Rust has channels, which will be very familiar to any Go programmers reading this. A channel is a bit like a FIFO queue - a producer can transmit a message to the channel, and a consumer can receive a message from a channel. Let's see an example:
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
let val = String::from("hi");
let received = rx.recv().unwrap();
println!("Got: {}", received);
here stands for "multiple producers, single consumer", because this is how the channels from the standard library are implemented. The call to mpsc::channel
returns a Sender<String>
and Receiver<String>
in a tuple, which we're assigning to tx
and rx
via a destructuring assignment.
As we saw in previous examples, we use move
to move ownership of the Sender
to the spawned thread. The thread needs to own the Sender
in order to use it, which it does by calling tx.send
. It's important to realize that send
doesn't make a copy of the message being passed in, it takes ownership of the value and moves it to the receiving side. In effect the only thing being sent from sender to receiver is a pointer.
will return an error if the receiver has already been dropped and there's nowhere to send this message. Here we're calling unwrap
instead of properly handling the error since this is just an example.
On the receiving side, we call rx.recv
to receive a value from the channel. This will block until a message is available. Like send
, this will return an error if the transmitter has already been dropped (otherwise we could end up blocked waiting for a message forever). If we don't want the receiver to block, there's also a rx.try_recv
which will return an error immediately if the channel has no messages for us. It's a fairly common pattern for the main thread to periodically check to see if there are messages available, and if not go do some other work and come back later.
Sending Multiple Values and Seeing the Receiver Waiting
The Receiver<T>
type implements the Iterator
trait, which lets us handle incoming messages with a for
loop or using other Iterator
functions we've seen:
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
let vals = vec![
for val in vals {
for received in rx {
println!("Got: {}", received);
Notice that the sending thread is sleeping between sending each value. The for received in rx
loop here will call recv
, so it will block and wait for each message.
16.3 - Shared-State Concurrency
Using Mutexes to Allow Access to Data from One Thread at a Time
First let's have a look at a single threaded program that uses a Mutex<T>
use std::sync::Mutex;
fn main() {
let m = Mutex::new(5);
let mut num = m.lock().unwrap();
*num = 6;
println!("m = {:?}", m);
We acquire the lock with m.lock().unwrap()
. If you're wondering what that unwrap
is about: if a thread panics which it holds the mutex, then Rust marks this mutex as being poisoned. The call to lock
actually returns a LockResult<T>
which, in the case of a poisoned mutex, will be an Err
. Generally here you would just call unwrap
as we have done above, which would propagate the panic since, after a panic, you will have a hard time guaranteeing that anything is in a reasonable state. However you can acquire the lock from the poisoned mutex if you wish.
After we unwrap
the LockResult
, the num
value here is bound to a MutexGuard
. When the MutexGuard
is dropped at the end of our inner scope, the mutex's lock will be released.
You'll notice that the mutex holds on to the value it's protecting inside of itself. Mutex<T>
is basically another kind of smart pointer, or more accurately the MutexGuard
is. MutexGuard
implements Deref
so we can use it like a reference to update the value inside.
Mutexes in rust are not reentrant - if you hold a lock and try to acquire it a second time, this will result in a deadlock. Rust's fancy type and ownership system can protect us from many common thread safety issues, but deadlocks aren't one of them, and trying to acquire the two locks from two threads in a different order will also result in a deadlock.
Sharing a Mutex<T>
Between Multiple Threads
A Mutex on only one thread isn't very useful. If you recall back to how we shared a single Sender
between multiple threads in our channels example, you might expect us to clone the mutex to pass it between multiple threads, but you'd be wrong - Mutex<T>
doesn't implement Clone
. We saw in chapter 15 how we could use the Rc<T>
smart pointer to have a single piece of data with multiple owners, but we noted it isn't thread safe, so we can't use it here.
But there's a thread-safe version of Rc<T>
called Arc<T>
- the "atomic reference counted" smart pointer. Arc<T>
uses the std::sync::atomic library to atomically increment and decrement it's reference count, which makes it thread safe. Why doesn't Rc<T>
use the atomic library? How come everything isn't thread safe? Because thread safety comes with a performance penalty here, so Rc<T>
is there when you don't need thread safety and Arc<T>
is there for when you do.
Here's how we share a Mutex<T>
with an Arc<T>
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
fn main() {
let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let mut handles = vec![];
for _ in 0..10 {
let counter = Arc::clone(&counter);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut num = counter.lock().unwrap();
*num += 1;
for handle in handles {
println!("Result: {}", *counter.lock().unwrap());
Very similar to our channels example, we clone
the Arc
whenever we want to move
it into a new thread (so you were right - there was a clone in there somewhere). Note that we're still not cloning the Mutex<T>
though. The Arc
keeps ownership of the Mutex, allowing us to share a single mutex across multiple threads.
Notice that the counter
variable above is declared as immutable. Much like with RefCell<T>
, a Mutex<T>
provides interior mutability, and we're allowed to change the value held in a mutex even if we have an immutable reference to the mutex.
16.4 - Extensible Concurrency with the Sync
and Send
is a marker trait that indicates a type can be transferred between threads. Any type composed entirely of Send
traits is automatically Send
. Almost every type in Rust is Send
, but we've already seen an example of one that isn't: Rc<T>
isn't Send
, since if you cloned it and transferred it between threads, the clone and the original might try to modify the reference count concurrently resulting in a data race. If you give this a try, you'll get a compile-time error, since Rc<T>
is not Send
. Raw pointers in rust (see chapter 19) are also not Send
The closely related Sync
marker trait is implemented by types that are safe to be referenced from multiple threads. To put it formally, a type T
is Sync
if &T
is Send
. If we can send an immutable reference to T
to another thread, then T
is Sync
. RefCell<T>
is not Sync
. Mutex<T>
is Sync
which is why we can share an immutable reference across threads, as we did with Arc<T>
in the example above.
In general we never have to implement Send
and Sync
on a type ourselves. They are just marker traits with no methods, and they're implemented automatically on a type if that type is composed entirely of Send
members. The only cases where you'd want to implement these yourself is if you're creating new concurrency primitives, in which case you'll be using some unsafe code (see chapter 19). There are many safety guarantees you'll have to implement yourself if you're going down this path, and you should consult The Rustonomicon if you want to learn about this.
What's interesting to note here is that, aside from the Sync
and Send
traits, everything we've looked at in this chapter is implemented in the standard library instead of being part of the core Rust language. Many concurrency solutions are implemented in crates (such as the popular parking_lot crate). When we dig into async programming in chapter 21 we'll see the same thing there, with Rust providing the async
and await
keywords, but with the actual runtime behavior being provided by a crate.
Continue to chapter 17.